Jump straight to our terms page here, or select the service you’d like from the menu below, and check your dates are available:
Our booking process is really easy, and goes like this:
We’ll confirm which of our great team members is most available for the visits you’re after. We aim to allocate team members to visits within a 10km radius of where they live. We also aim for consistency with the team and the animals they care for, so that more often than not, your pet will see the same team member each time you book in. While this isn’t a guarantee, it’s certainly a priority.
We need to get the basic details like your address and contact number, and the important information about your pet’s feeding routine, and other instructions that we need to know to help ensure your pet has a relaxed stay-cation, or takes the normal route for their walks. Unless these details change, you only need to fill this form out once, and it’s all conveniently located here online.
Next we’ll organize a time that’s convenient for you and our team member to catch up. These meetings usually only take about 15 minutes and are a great way for you and your pets to meet our wonderful team members. Here’s where you show us the feeding routine, any walking tips, where the litter trays are kept and any other job that needs doing while you’re away. It’s usually a good time to sort out the key too.
Before your visits start, we’ll email you an itemized invoice for payment. All the details will be on the invoice, and most people use bank transfers but we do accept cash and cheques too.
Now it’s time for the part we love most – visiting your pets! And making sure they’re happy and you’re having a stress-free break. We will send you updates as requested on your terms page, but you can also check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates. We’re also easily contactable should you need to get in touch at any time. You can call Kathryn on 0410 490 503 or Chris on 0411 284 474, if you have any questions, or need anything done.